The Sherman Center for Early Learning in Urban Communities is pleased to announce its 2022 - 2023 research fellow, Dr. Mirela Cengher, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at UMBC.

Dr. Cengher's study titled, "A Comparison of Simultaneous and Sequential Bilingualism in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS)", will investigate which type of instruction is best suited for children on the Autism spectrum when learning two languages. The Sherman Center's support of this study will assist Dr. Cengher in developing larger - scale projects aimed at establishing optimal procedures for teaching two languages to children with ADS and will have significant implications for practice as it will help identify the optimal order of instruction for language acquisition for this population. Her study will be conducted at Sherman Center Baltimore City Public School (BCPS) partners, strengthening UMBC's contributions to building a strong foundation for lifelong learning among young children in urban education.
For more information about the Sherman Center Faculty Research Award, please visit the Sherman Center website.